Spotlight on Women’s Oral Health
WHEN YOU THINK of the differences between men and women, oral health concerns probably aren’t…
DetailsWHEN YOU THINK of the differences between men and women, oral health concerns probably aren’t…
DetailsCOMING DOWN WITH the flu is never any fun, but it’s also no time to let up on your oral hygiene routine. The same…
DetailsTOOTHACHES CAN HAPPEN for a number of reasons. It’s important to know what to do about them, because they…
DetailsEVEN THOUGH WE know, logically, that going to the dentist is a safe, normal, and important part of life, many of us don’t…
DetailsMAINTAINING GOOD DENTAL health isn’t just about the quantity of your brushing — it’s also about the quality. There are several mistakes many…
DetailsROUTINE PROFESSIONAL DENTAL cleanings by your dental hygienist include scaling, or the careful removal of plaque and tartar from around…
DetailsTHERE ARE A LOT of things that can leave stains on our teeth, and stains can come in many…