A GREAT WAY to make the prospect of losing that first baby tooth less scary is to help kids see it as a rite of passage: losing baby teeth is a major part of being a big kid, just like learning to ride a bike and tie their own shoelaces. It’s a big, exciting step, and hopefully they’ll be able to see it that way with a little help.
Any loose tooth game plan should include the actual strategy for helping the tooth come out. We would discourage parents from chasing their kids around with a pair of pliers, as that won’t be very fun for them. Encourage them to wiggle the tooth often with their tongue or a clean finger to help it along, and try not to force the issue if they’re still too nervous. It’s generally best to wait until the tooth is very loose.
When it comes to pulling the tooth out, there’s the old standby of tying some dental floss around a doorknob, but parents could also make it a little more unique by tying the floss to a Nerf dart, a toy arrow, or the dog’s collar. See which one the child likes best.
Once the tooth is out, it’s time to celebrate! That could be as simple as waiting for the Tooth Fairy, but maybe a new toy or a trip to get ice cream would be more exciting. Including some kind of reward, even a small one, will help them have something to focus on besides the scary parts.
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